The Benefits of Pram Shelters to your Business

May 04, 2021

Pram shelters are a great addition to any place frequently visited by parents with young children. A buggy shelter offers a secure and safe spot to leave the pram when it is not being used.

Finding space for buggies can be difficult. Indoor space and walkways quickly become cluttered, prams get wet and damaged by the weather and dirty wheels can bring grime into the building. A lack of a designated space to store buggies and prams can simply put people off visiting your premises.


Pram shelters only require a small amount of space

Pram and buggy shelters are a compact, space-saving storage solution. They enable parents to carry or walk their children around a building or outdoor space.

Parents aren’t required to fold up or carry their buggies and prams around with them, enabling them to enjoy visiting your business or centre much more.

Security and peace of mind

A buggy storage shelter not only protects items from the elements, but it offers security for users and premises owners too.

Did you know that our buggy shelters can come with tether rails to which simple cycle locks can be fitted to ensure the security of the shelter’s contents?

Shelters can come with lockable doors for added peace of mind, which offer the added security of ensuring no one is able to enter “out of hours”.

Pram Shelters offers shelter for other purposes

As well as storing prams and buggies safely and securely, your shelter can also be utilised by parents, guardians, children and other visitors as cover while waiting or arriving and unpacking their things.

Not only are pram and buggy shelters used by places visited by children and families, but their versatile design, dimensions and adaptability make them ideally suited for other purposes such as exterior exercise equipment, golf clubs and multi-use games areas.

The buggy shelter can also double as a screen for bikes, scooters, children’s own toy buggies and prams or go-karts and the like.

Promotes health and safety

Faced with nowhere to park their buggy or pram, parents and guardians will often be forced to store their pushchair indoors and can potentially block fire escapes and safe routes of passages. An outdoor buggy shelter helps you meet fire regulations.

Strollers and prams blocking corridors and walkways can be a trip hazard or users can collide with each other when getting around a building. An outdoor shelter eliminates these risks.

An additional, wonderful promotional space

Having a pram shelter is one way of enhancing the visitor experience to your business, organisation, facility or club.

Not only that but pram and buggy shelters will be one of the most used aspects of your premises and will be high-visitor areas. The additional surface area offered means you can promote your business, special offers and events by utilising the shelter for promotional materials.

Aluminium, powder-coated shelters can last forever. Furthermore,  customisable features such as the colour, design and frame mean the facility can neatly complement your building.

Choosing the Best Pram/Buggy  Shelter

At Shelter Store, all of our pram shelters are made by us at our factory premises. This gives us granular control of the final quality and their design. We use aluminium in the construction of our shelters, which makes them lighter and much more rust-resistant than the usual steel.

Our shelters are designed to offer retail premises a usable long term investment. If you would like to learn more or to get a quote, contact Shelter Store today.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.