Advantages of Trolley Shelters

February 22, 2022

Trolley shelters are an excellent investment for businesses since they save them time and labour while also providing convenience for customers. They’re a low-cost alternative that protects your trolleys while also encouraging consumers to keep the area tidied and safe. If you’re tired of trolleys cluttering up your parking area or need a way to reduce your team’s maintenance responsibilities, they have the perfect solution that tailors to your individual needs. 

Now, let’s look at some more ways a trolley shelter may help your business save time and effort.

Long term trolley protection

Trolleys are an essential component of the shopping experience, and you can find them in shops all around the world. Furthermore, Trolleys aren’t inexpensive, and if they aren’t properly protected from the weather, they can easily be damaged or broken. Due to trolley shelter protection, trolleys are kept safe from the elements, particularly wind and rain. You’ll find that they survive much longer. You won’t have to worry about replacing trolleys as often if you have a trolley shelter, and you won’t have to waste time and capital purchasing new trolleys. A trolley shelter also protects the trolleys from damage caused by consumers, cars, or windy weather.

Trolley shelters save time for your employees

Trolley shelters make it easy for customers to see where they need to return their trolley and the kind of behaviour you expect them to display. It simplifies the procedure of returning empty trollies, which increases the number of people who return their trollies after use. As a result, the number of abandoned trollies in the car park that your employees must collect will reduce dramatically. Due to our high-quality trolley shelters being composed of sturdy, durable materials that can endure impact, you don’t need to maintain them regularly.

Pitched Trolley Shelter

Encouraging customers to use trolley shelters

It’s worth thinking about putting up a notice so that your customers know how to use the trolley shelter properly. If you also offer pram storage, you can use floor paint to identify the space as a trolley park. Our trolley shelters come in a variety of materials and colours, so you can select your brand colour to clearly indicate that the trolley shelter is only for your customers.

Your car park will be tidier with a trolley shelter

Trolley shelters are an excellent method to keep your car park neat and tidy. It can help your employees save time searching for trolleys or moving them around. Trollies that go loose can be a major safety threat. As a result, they mustn’t cause traffic congestion or damage to cars. A well-marked, well-organised, and tidy car park will also save your maintenance crew time.

Are you looking for quality shelter storage? You can choose between the Premium Trolley Shelter and the Pitched Trolley Shelter at the Shelter Store. Both types serve the purpose of keeping the retail space clean and organised. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.