Reasons to Invest in a Bike Rack For Your Business

October 31, 2020

Bike racks are essential for all premises these days as cycling to and from work, school or university is becoming the go-to mode of transport. Cycle parking in workplaces is also an essential product for staff.

So, whether you’re in charge of an office building or a warehouse, investing in a bicycle rack is undoubtedly a good move for your business. With more and more people taking to the roads on bikes to get them from A to B, it seems only logical to give your employees somewhere safe and secure to store their vehicles until they’re next needed. Plus, this is a small price to pay to give your staff members peace of mind that their bikes are safe at work.

Still not convinced? Below, we explore just a few reasons why you should consider purchasing a bike rack for your business.

Bike Racks encourage a healthy lifestyle

All exercise is good exercise and by purchasing a bike rack, you’re encouraging your employees (or customers) to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Whilst many of us own bikes (and like to ride them), we often resort to leaving them at home for fear of not having anywhere convenient and secure to park. However, by installing a bike rack, you’ll encourage people to get back out on the open road. Not only is exercise good for our bodies, but it has also been linked to a more positive mood, more energy and even increased productivity. With this in mind, it’s in both yours and your employees’ best interests to invest in a sturdy bike rack.

Investing in a bike rack also protects the environment

At a time when it’s more important than ever for us to do our bit for the environment, a bike rack is a shrewd and eco-friendly purchase. Ideally, a bike rack will encourage your team to cycle to work rather than drive, helping to reduce the number of cars on the road and ultimately, decrease the harmful emissions being released into the atmosphere.

Accommodating cyclists

If you’ve got staff members who cycle into work on a daily basis, a bike rack is a good way to demonstrate to them that they’re being accommodated for. Making employees feel valued and considered is a great way to boost workplace morale and with this in mind, a bike rack could be instrumental in ensuring your business continues to boom.

Health, safety and security

If your business doesn’t offer a safe place for employees to store their bikes, it’s likely that they’re currently blocking hallways and leaning up against walls in your commercial building. Not only is this a nuisance for people to navigate around, but it’s also a trip hazard, making it a health and safety issue. Further to this, bikes are often stolen or vandalised when they’re locked up in plain sight which is not something you want on your conscience. So, to promote health and safety and increase security at your workplace, installing a sturdy bike rack is the best course of action.

Bike Dock Solutions Team

Bike Dock Solutions is the UK's leading supplier of Bike Shelters, Bike Racks and other Bike Storage. Follow us on LinkedIn.